Monsters of the Past[]
Before Dinosaurs[]
- Dunkleosteus
- Helicoprion
- Hybodus
- Edestus
- Xenacanthus
- Stethacanthus
- Cephalaspis
- Hyneria
- Diplocaulus
- Ophiacodon
- Limnoscelis
- Ichthyostega
- Diadectes
- Mastodonsaurus
- Eryops
- Dimetrodon
- Edaphosaurus
- Dinogorgon
- Postosuchus
- Gracilisuchus
- Titanophoneus
- Moschops
- Cynognathus
- Thrinaxodon
- Euparkeria
- Fasolasuchus
- Placerias
- Estemmenosuchus
- Longisquama
- Prionosuchus
- Effigia
- Saurosuchus
- Rutiodon
- Teratosaurus
- Arizonasaurus
- Tanystropheus
- Psephoderma
- Atopodentatus
- Cymbospondylus
- Hyperodapedon
- Coelurosauravus
- Meganeura
- Pulmonoscorpius
- Megarachne
- Arthropleura
- Anomalocaris
- Eurypterid
- Cameroceras
- Trilobite
Age of Dinosaurs[]
- Apatosaurus
- Diplodocus
- Alamosaurus
- Saltasaurus
- Brachiosaurus
- Amargasaurus
- Shunosaurus
- Bonitasaura
- Supersaurus
- Camarasaurus
- Cetiosaurus
- Argentinosaurus
- Stegosaurus
- Kentrosaurus
- Tuojiangosaurus
- Triceratops
- Styracosaurus
- Pachyrhinosaurus
- Centrosaurus
- Kosmoceratops
- Einiosaurus
- Protoceratops
- Psittacosaurus
- Tyrannosaurus
- Albertosaurus
- Allosaurus
- Spinosaurus
- Giganotosaurus
- Baryonyx
- Megalosaurus
- Carcharodontosaurus
- Acrocanthosaurus
- Majungasaurus
- Suchomimus
- Irritator
- Rajasaurus
- Ostafrikasaurus
- Tyrannotitan
- Saurophaganax
- Ichthyovenator
- Afrovenator
- Cryolophosaurus
- Masiakasaurus
- Ceratosaurus
- Carnotaurus
- Metriacanthosaurus
- Gorgosaurus
- Eustreptospondylus
- Concavenator
- Tarbosaurus
- Yutyrannus
- Ekrixinatosaurus
- Herrerasaurus
- Velociraptor
- Deinonychus
- Dromaeosaurus
- Utahraptor
- Troodon
- Pyroraptor
- Guanlong
- Sinosauropteryx
- Eoraptor
- Segisaurus
- Compsognathus
- Dilophosaurus
- Coelophysis
- Iguanodon
- Shantungosaurus
- Maiasaura
- Ouranosaurus
- Dryosaurus
- Othnielia
- Oryctodromeus
- Lesothosaurus
- Plateosaurus
- Anchisaurus
- Parasaurolophus
- Lambeosaurus
- Corythosaurus
- Edmontosaurus
- Huaxiaosaurus
- Ankylosaurus
- Euoplocephalus
- Scelidosaurus
- Pachycephalosaurus
- Stygimoloch
- Struthiomimus
- Gallimimus
- Ornithomimus
- Oviraptor
- Ornitholestes
- Chirostenotes
- Hypsilophodon
- Therizinosaurus
- Deinocheirus
- Microraptor
- Incisivosaurus
- Pteranodon
- Quetzalcoatlus
- Tapejara
- Nyctosaurus
- Dimorphodon
- Peteinosaurus
- Rhamphorhynchus
- Tropeognathus
- Hatzegopteryx
- Pterodaustro
- Samrukia
- Elasmosaurus
- Liopleurodon
- Mosasaurus
- Kronosaurus
- Tylosaurus
- Dakosaurus
- Geosaurus
- Pliosaurus
- Metriorhynchus
- Ichthyosaurus
- Ophthalmosaurus
- Shonisaurus
- Shastasaurus
- Deinosuchus
- Sarcosuchus
- Kaprosuchus
- Armadillosuchus
- Archelon
- Beelzebufo
- Koolasuchus
- Archaeopteryx
- Avisaurus
- Ichthyornis
- Confuciusornis
- Hesperornis
- Didelphodon
- Megazostrodon
- Xiphactinus
- Leedsichthys
- Dapedium
- Ammonite
- Baculites
- Michelinoceras
- Tusoteuthis
After Dinosaurs[]
- Smilodon
- Dinofelis
- Homotherium
- Barbourofelis
- Xenosmilus
- American Lion
- European Cave Lion
- Ngandong Tiger
- Cave Hyena
- Dire Wolf
- Epicyon
- Cave Bear
- Short-Faced Bear
- Arctotherium
- Kolponomos
- Pontolis
- Megatherium
- Eremotherium
- Thalassocnus
- Mylodon
- Glyptotherium
- Doedicurus
- Peltephilus
- Woolly Mammoth
- Columbian Mammoth
- Steppe Mammoth
- American Mastodon
- Sicilian Dwarf Elephant
- Amebelodon
- Stegodon
- Gomphotherium
- Deinotherium
- Palaeoloxodon
- Platybelodon
- Cuvieronius
- Moeritherium
- Megaloceros
- Macrauchenia
- Synthetoceras
- Sivatherium
- Giant Bison
- Leptictidium
- Basilosaurus
- Livyatan Melvillei
- Semirostrum
- Odobenocetops
- Ambulocetus
- Hyracotherium
- Hagerman Horse
- Hippidion
- Pliohippus
- Paraceratherium
- Juxia
- Woolly Rhinoceros
- Elasmotherium
- Chilotherium
- Stephanorhinus
- Sinotherium
- Titanotylopus
- Aepycamelus
- Hippopotamus gorgops
- Hyaenodon
- Amphicyon
- Andrewsarchus
- Borophagus
- Borhyaena
- Megistotherium
- Thylacosmilus
- Sarkastodon
- Coryphodon
- Giant Warthog
- Entelodon
- Daeodon
- Archaeotherium
- Arsinoitherium
- Uintatherium
- Megacerops
- Chalicotherium
- Moropus
- Diprotodon
- Procoptodon
- Ekaltadeta
- Thylacoleo
- Hulitherium
- Josephoartigasia
- Giant Beaver
- Multituberculates
- Purgatorius
- Gigantopithecus
- Godinotia
- Icaronycteris
- Paleoparadoxia
- Desmostylus
- Gastornis
- Phorusrhacos
- Kelenken
- Dromornis
- Titanis
- Argentavis
- Osteodontornis
- Pelagornis
- Giant Swan
- Kairuku
- Palaeeudyptes
- Megalania
- Barbaturex
- Mourasuchus
- Purussaurus
- Gavialosuchus
- Voay
- Stupendemys
- Meiolania
- Megalochelys
- Titanoboa
- Megalodon
- Megapiranha
- Titanomyrma
Gone Today[]
- Thylacine
- Quagga
- Tarpan
- Syrian Onager
- Bluebuck
- Aurochs
- Kouprey
- Warrah
- Shamanu
- Atlas Bear
- Javan Tiger
- Caspian Tiger
- Caribbean Monk Seal
- Japanese Sea Lion
- Japanese River Otter
- Sea Mink
- Megaladapis
- Martinique Muskrat
- Steller's Sea Cow
- Passenger Pigeon
- Dodo
- Carolina Parakeet
- Norfolk Island Kākā
- Cuban Red Macaw
- Cuban Giant Owl
- Haast's Eagle
- Ivory-Billed Woodpecker
- Stephens Island Wren
- Greater Akialoa
- ʻUla-ʻai-Hāwane
- Huia
- Great Auk
- Spectacled Cormorant
- Heath Hen
- Turtle-Jawed Moa-Nalo
- Pink-Headed Duck
- Labrador Duck
- Réunion Flightless Ibis
- Elephant Bird
- Giant Moa
- Kawekaweau
- Rodriguez Greater Tortoise
- Gastric-Brooding Frog
- Golden Toad
Nightmares of Nature[]
Sharp-Toothed Mammals[]
- Bengal Tiger
- Siberian Tiger
- African Lion
- African Leopard
- Indian Leopard
- Cheetah
- Jaguar
- Mountain Lion
- Snow Leopard
- Clouded Leopard
- Domestic Cat
- European Wildcat
- Fishing Cat
- African Golden Cat
- Sand Cat
- Bobcat
- Canada Lynx
- Ocelot
- Margay
- Jaguarundi
- Serval
- Caracal
- Grizzly Bear
- Kodiak Bear
- Polar Bear
- American Black Bear
- Gray Wolf
- Ethiopian Wolf
- Coyote
- Cape Hunting Dog
- Domestic Dog
- Dhole
- Dingo
- Black-Backed Jackal
- Golden Jackal
- Red Fox
- Arctic Fox
- Spotted Hyena
- Striped Hyena
- Meerkat
- Banded Mongoose
- Indian Grey Mongoose
- African Civet
- Banded Palm Civet
- Common Genet
- Fossa
- North American Raccoon
- American Badger
- Honey Badger
- Stoat
- American Mink
- Black-Footed Ferret
- European Polecat
- European Pine Marten
- Fisher
- Giant Otter
- Wolverine
- Leopard Seal
- Steller's Sea Lion
- Pacific Walrus
- Southern Elephant Seal
- Common Vampire Bat
- Spectral Bat
- Tasmanian Devil
- Tiger Quoll
- Brown Rat
Feathered Fiends[]
- Bald Eagle
- Golden Eagle
- Harpy Eagle
- Martial Eagle
- Wedge-Tailed Eagle
- Philippine Eagle
- Verreaux's Eagle
- African Fish Eagle
- Steller's Sea Eagle
- White-Bellied Sea Eagle
- Crested Serpent Eagle
- Eurasian Eagle Owl
- Great Horned Owl
- Common Barn Owl
- Great Grey Owl
- Snowy Owl
- Tawny Owl
- Blakiston's Fish Owl
- Red-Tailed Hawk
- Cooper's Hawk
- Harris's Hawk
- Galápagos Hawk
- African Harrier Hawk
- Northern Harrier
- Northern Goshawk
- Peregrine Falcon
- American Kestrel
- Common Buzzard
- Red Kite
- Eurasian Sparrowhawk
- Gyrfalcon
- Osprey
- Rüppell's Vulture
- Lappet-Faced Vulture
- Turkey Vulture
- King Vulture
- Lammergeier
- Andean Condor
- California Condor
- Southern Crested Caracara
- Striated Caracara
- Secretary Bird
- Marabou Stork
- Brown Skua
- Southern Giant Petrel
- Common Raven
Cold-Blooded Killers[]
- Nile Crocodile
- Saltwater Crocodile
- Mugger Crocodile
- Indian Gharial
- American Alligator
- Black Caiman
- Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman
- Komodo Dragon
- Nile Monitor
- Savannah Monitor
- Crocodile Monitor
- Perentie
- Sand Goanna
- Gold Tegu
- Boa Constrictor
- Reticulated Python
- African Rock Python
- Burmese Python
- Green Tree Python
- Emerald Tree Boa
- Rainbow Boa
- Green Anaconda
- Eastern Hognose Snake
- Corn Snake
- Eastern Rat Snake
- Coachwhip
- Alligator Snapping Turtle
- Common Snapping Turtle
- Goliath Frog
- Argentine Horned Frog
- Budgett's Frog
- American Bullfrog
- Cane Toad
River Monsters[]
- Northern Pike
- Goliath Tigerfish
- Alligator Gar
- Red-Bellied Piranha
- Northern Snakehead
- Payara
- Golden Mahseer
- Candiru
- Bull Shark
Brutal Bugs[]
- Goliath Birdeater
- Mexican Red-Knee Tarantula
- Woodlouse Spider
- Camel Spider
- King Baboon Spider
- Poecilotheria Rajaei
- Mammoth Wasp
- Velvet Worm
- Giant Centipede
- Emperor Scorpion
- Whip Scorpion
- Giant African Millipede
- Medicinal Leech
Not-So Gentle Ones[]
- Common Hippopotamus
- American Bison
- Cape Buffalo
- Wild Water Buffalo
- Gaur
- Spanish Fighting Bull
- Gemsbok
- Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
- Nubian Ibex
- Muskox
- Alaskan Moose
- Roosevelt Elk
- Red Deer
- White-Tailed Deer
- Guanaco
- Wild Boar
- Common Warthog
- Black Rhinoceros
- Indian Rhinoceros
- Gelada
- Chacma Baboon
- Hamadryas Baboon
- Common Chimpanzee
- Mountain Gorilla
- Southern Cassowary
- Mute Swan
- Canada Goose
- Northern Fulmar
- European Herring Gull
- Western Capercaillie
- Wild Turkey
- Kea
- Australian Magpie
Toxic Terrors[]
Poisonous Snakes[]
- Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
- King Cobra
- Indian Cobra
- Cape Cobra
- Banded Water Cobra
- Egyptian Cobra
- Mozambique Spitting Cobra
- Giant Spitting Cobra
- Rinkhals
- Black Mamba
- Green Mamba
- Coastal Taipan
- Inland Taipan
- Tiger Snake
- American Copperhead
- Australian Copperhead
- Cottonmouth
- Jumping Viper
- Eyelash Viper
- Gaboon Viper
- Chinese Tree Viper
- Philippine Pit Viper
- Asp Viper
- Horned Viper
- Saw-Scaled Viper
- Russell's Viper
- African Bush Viper
- Common Krait
- Sidewinder
- Cascabel
- Massasauga
- Boomslang
- Common Death Adder
- Mexican Cantil
- Eastern Brown Snake
- Red-Bellied Black Snake
- Mangrove Snake
- Arizona Coral Snake
- South American Bushmaster
- Fer-De-Lance
- Mulga Snake
- Puff Adder
- European Adder
- Beaked Sea Snake
Deadly Arachnids and Insects[]
- Black Widow Spider
- Brown Recluse Spider
- Sydney Funnel-Web Spider
- Mothercare Spider
- Mouse Spider
- Brazilian Wandering Spider
- Tiger Spider
- Jumping Spider
- White-Tailed Spider
- Yellow Sac Spider
- Pirate Spider
- Pinktoe Tarantula
- Bark Scorpion
- Fat-Tailed Scorpion
- Buthus Scorpion
- Hairy Scorpion
- Africanized Bee
- Common Wasp
- Army Ants
- Bulldog Ant
- Bullet Ant
- Harvester Ant
- Blister Beetle
- Bombardier Beetle
- Saber-Toothed Ground Beetle
- Arrow-Poison Beetle
- Lubber Grasshopper
- Elegant Grasshopper
Sea Creatures of Death[]
- Red Lionfish
- Stonefish
- Pufferfish
- Striped Eel Catfish
- Bluespotted Stingray
- Cone Shell
- Blue-Ringed Octopus
- Sea Wasp
- Irukandji Jellyfish
- Lion's Mane Jellyfish
- Helmet Jellyfish
- Crystal Jellyfish
- Portuguese Man-o-War
- Nudibranch
- Fireworm
- Crown-of-Thorns Starfish
- Sea Urchin
- Sea Anemone
- Fire Coral
Colorful But Dangerous[]
- Poison Dart Frogs
- Mantella Frogs
- Fire-Bellied Toad
- Fire Salamander
- Hooded Pitohui
- Queen Alexandra's Birdwing Butterfly
Four-Legged Toxin[]
- Gila Monster
- Mexican Beaded Lizard
- Common Toad
- Emperor Newt
- Sunda Slow Loris
- Northern Short-Tailed Shrew
- Hispaniolan Solenodon
Monsters of the Deep[]
Whales and Other Marine Mammals[]
- Harbor Seal
- Crabeater Seal
- California Sea Lion
- Northern Fur Seal
- Sea Otter
- Common Bottlenose Dolphin
- Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
- Pacific White-Sided Dolphin
- Short-Beaked Common Dolphin
- Harbor Porpoise
- Finless Porpoise
- Killer Whale
- Short-Finned Pilot Whale
- Narwhal
- Beluga Whale
- Sperm Whale
- Grey Whale
- Antarctic Minke Whale
- Humpback Whale
- Fin Whale
- North Atlantic Right Whale
- Blue Whale
Water-Loving Birds[]
- Emperor Penguin
- King Penguin
- Adélie Penguin
- Atlantic Puffin
- Tufted Puffin
- Cape Gannet
- Little Auk
- Common Eider
- King Eider
- Great Cormorant
- Flightless Cormorant
- Storm Petrel
Reptiles That Swim[]
- Marine Iguana
- Green Sea Turtle
- Leatherback Sea Turtle
- Olive Ridley Sea Turtle
- Banded Sea Krait
- Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake
- Great White Shark
- Whale Shark
- Basking Shark
- Blacktip Reef Shark
- Grey Reef Shark
- Caribbean Reef Shark
- Oceanic Whitetip Shark
- Cookie-Cutter Shark
- Blue Shark
- Wobbegong Shark
- Shortfin Mako Shark
- Tiger Shark
- Sand Tiger Shark
- Greenland Shark
- Megamouth Shark
- Angel Shark
- Silky Shark
- Goblin Shark
- Spinner Shark
- Nurse Shark
- Copper Shark
- Leopard Shark
- Lemon Shark
- Zebra Shark
- Brown-Banded Bamboo Shark
- Sandbar Shark
- Thresher Shark
- Salmon Shark
- Horned Shark
- Great Hammerhead
- Australian Ghost Shark
Predators Under The Sea[]
- Great Barracuda
- Giant Manta Ray
- Spotted Eagle Ray
- Southern Stingray
- Cownose Stingray
- Electric Ray
- Atlantic Sailfish
- Blue Marlin
- Swordfish
- Humpback Anglerfish
- Monkfish
- Viperfish
- Stoplight Loosejaw
- Sawfish
- Scorpionfish
- Frogfish
- Toadfish
- Atlantic Stargazer
- Fangtooth
- Weeverfish
- Giant Grouper
- Atlantic Wolffish
- Moray Eel
- Gulper Eel
- Conger Eel
- Ribbon Eel
- Wolf Eel
- Sea Lamprey
- Giant Pacific Octopus
- Giant Squid
- Colossal Squid
- Humboldt Squid
- Vampire Squid
- Common Cuttlefish
- Peacock Mantis Shrimp
- Pistol Shrimp
- Arrow Crab
- Sea Spider
- Predatory Tunicate
- Bobbit Worm
Tiny Terrors[]
Flies and Other Winged Insects[]
- Housefly
- Horsefly
- Botfly
- Tsetse Fly
- Hoverfly
- Scorpionfly
- Sandfly
- Snakefly
- Blowfly
- Fruitfly
- Thick-Headed Fly
- Blackfly
- Flesh Fly
- Bluebottle Fly
- Robber Fly
- Sawfly
- Flower Fly
- Screwworm Fly
- Louse Fly
- Mosquito
- Gnat
- Dragonfly
- Japanese Honeybee
- Paper Wasp
- Tiphiid Wasp
- Ichneumon Wasp
- Spider Wasp
- Digger Wasp
- Ammophila Wasp
- Mud Dauber
- Tarantula Hawk
- European Beewolf
- Eastern Cicada-Killer
- Japanese Giant Hornet
- European Hornet
- Yellow Jacket
- Death's Head Hawk Moth
- Hummingbird Hawk Moth
- Puss Moth
- Lobster Moth
- Giant Orb Spider
- Diving-Bell Spider
- Spitting Spider
- Dewdrop Spider
- Net-Casting Spider
- Purse-Web Spider
- Trapdoor Spider
- Portia Spider
- Crab Spider
- Bolas Spider
- Dwarf Spider
- Raft Spider
- Wolf Spider
- Nursery Web Spider
- House Spider
- Green Lynx Spider
- St. Andrew's Cross Spider
- Huntsman Spider
- Hunting Spider
- Harvestman
- Red Fire Ant
- Slavemaker Ant
- Acacia Ant
- African Driver Ant
- Wood Ant
- Velvet Ant
- Pugnacious Ant
- Allomerus Ant
- Dune Ant
- Trap-Jaw Ant
- Dinosaur Ant
Other Insects and Arachnids[]
- Praying Mantis
- Flower Mantis
- Ornate Mantis
- Termite
- Desert Locust
- Australian Plague Locust
- Predatory Bush Cricket
- Wart-Biter Cricket
- Armored Ground Cricket
- European Earwig
- Colorado Beetle
- Tiger Beetle
- Death-Watch Beetle
- Great Diving Beetle
- Asian Longhorn Beetle
- Burying Beetle
- Rove Beetle
- Stag Beetle
- Titan Beetle
- Violet Ground Beetle
- Assassin Bug
- Damsel Bug
- Ambush Bug
- Chagas Bug
- American Cockroach
- Antlion
- Gladiator Insect
- Stink Bug
- Boll Weevil
- Green Lacewing
- Water Scorpion
- Toe-Biter
- Water Strider
- Bedbug
- Pseudoscorpion
- Human Flea
- Oriental Rat Flea
- Human Louse
- Deer Tick
- Dust Mite
- Chigger Mite
- Scabies Mite
Neither Insects or Arachnids[]
- Eastern Screech Owl
- Elf Owl
- Loggerhead Shrike
- Vampire Finch
- Southern Grasshopper Mouse
- Common Pipistrelle
- Greater Mouse-Eared Bat
- Kitti's Hog-Nosed Bat
- Desert Hedgehog
- Etruscan Shrew
- Black-Footed Cat
- Rusty-Spotted Cat
- Dwarf Mongoose
- Least Weasel
Strange Wonders[]
Weird Mammals[]
- Duck-Billed Platypus
- Short-Beaked Echidna
- Long-Beaked Echidna
- Red Kangaroo
- Eastern Grey Kangaroo
- Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo
- Red-Necked Wallaby
- Yellow-Footed Rock Wallaby
- Musky Rat Kangaroo
- Quokka
- Koala
- Common Wombat
- Greater Bilby
- Long-Nosed Bandicoot
- Numbat
- Virginia Opossum
- Yapok
- Honey Possum
- Sugar Glider
- Brown Antechinus
- Giant Anteater
- Southern Tamandua
- Silky Anteater
- Giant Armadillo
- Nine-Banded Armadillo
- Southern Three-Banded Armadillo
- Lesser Fairy Armadillo
- Screaming Hairy Armadillo
- Brown-Throated Sloth
- Hoffmann's Two-Toed Sloth
- Ground Pangolin
- Chinese Pangolin
- Star-Nosed Mole
- Russian Desman
- European Hedgehog
- Lowland Streaked Tenrec
- Moonrat
- Elephant Shrew
- Aardvark
- Rock Hyrax
- African Elephant
- Indian Elephant
- Malayan Colugo
- Common Tree Shrew
- Zorilla
- Striped Skunk
- Western Spotted Skunk
- Sunda Stink Badger
- Ferret-Badger
- North American River Otter
- Fennec Fox
- Grey Fox
- Bat-Eared Fox
- Maned Wolf
- Bushdog
- Raccoon Dog
- Aardwolf
- Pallas' Cat
- Red Panda
- Giant Panda
- Malayan Sun Bear
- Sloth Bear
- Spectacled Bear
- White-Nosed Coati
- Kinkajou
- Binturong
- Marsh Mongoose
- Hooded Seal
- Weddell Seal
- Aye-Aye
- Ring-Tailed Lemur
- Red Ruffed Lemur
- Black Lemur
- Coquerel's Sifaka
- Pygmy Mouse Lemur
- Indri
- Proboscis Monkey
- Geoffroy's Spider Monkey
- Common Squirrel Monkey
- Red Howler
- White-Headed Capuchin
- Black-Striped Capuchin
- Emperor Tamarin
- Golden Lion Tamarin
- Cotton-Top Tamarin
- Bald-Headed Uakari
- Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey
- Patas Monkey
- Mandrill
- Rhesus Macaque
- Japanese Macaque
- Lion-Tailed Macaque
- Celebes Crested Macaque
- Grey Langur
- Red-Shanked Douc
- Mantled Guereza
- Common Marmoset
- Pygmy Marmoset
- White-Handed Gibbon
- Siamang
- Bonobo
- Bornean Orangutan
- Philippine Tarsier
- Slender Loris
- Senegal Bushbaby
- Greater Galago
- Reticulated Giraffe
- Okapi
- Impala
- Blue Wildebeest
- Klipspringer
- Greater Kudu
- Sable Antelope
- Zebra Duiker
- Royal Antelope
- Common Eland
- Chousingha
- Blackbuck
- Saiga
- Gerenuk
- Springbok
- Lowland Bongo
- Sitatunga
- Mountain Goat
- Chamois
- Markhor
- Himalayan Tahr
- Yak
- Pronghorn
- Siberian Musk Deer
- Chital
- Woodland Caribou
- Southern Pudu
- Lesser Malay Chevrotain
- Dromedary
- Bactrian Camel
- North Sulawesi Babirusa
- Collared Peccary
- Grant's Zebra
- Grévy's Zebra
- Przewalski's Horse
- Somali Wild Ass
- Baird's Tapir
- Malayan Tapir
- Naked Mole Rat
- Flying Squirrel
- California Ground Squirrel
- Cape Ground Squirrel
- Black-Tailed Prairie Dog
- Norway Lemming
- Capybara
- North American Beaver
- Muskrat
- Cape Porcupine
- Brazilian Porcupine
- South African Springhare
- Great Jerboa
- Red-Rumped Agouti
- Southern Viscacha
- Long-Tailed Chinchilla
- Patagonian Mara
- Black-Tailed Jackrabbit
- Snowshoe Hare
- Pygmy Rabbit
- Collared Pika
- Amazon River Dolphin
- West Indian Manatee
- Dugong
- Indian Flying Fox
- Big Brown Bat
- Greater Bulldog Bat
- Australian Ghost Bat
- Greater Horseshoe Bat
- Brown Long-Eared Bat
- Mexican Free-Tailed Bat
- Honduran White Bat
- Hammerhead Bat
Bizarre Birds[]
- Common Ostrich
- Emu
- Greater Rhea
- Great Spotted Kiwi
- Great Indian Hornbill
- Southern Yellow-Billed Hornbill
- Rhinoceros Hornbill
- Southern Ground Hornbill
- Abyssinian Ground Hornbill
- Hoopoe
- Toco Toucan
- Keel-Billed Toucan
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Acorn Woodpecker
- Common Kingfisher
- Pied Kingfisher
- Southern Carmine Bee-Eater
- Laughing Kookaburra
- Great Blue Turaco
- Mandarin Duck
- Wood Duck
- Torrent Duck
- Bar-Headed Goose
- Hooded Merganser
- Red-Breasted Merganser
- Southern Screamer
- Magellanic Penguin
- Macaroni Penguin
- Rockhopper Penguin
- Little Blue Penguin
- Burrowing Owl
- Egyptian Vulture
- Snail Kite
- Greater Sage Grouse
- Ruffed Grouse
- Sharp-Tailed Grouse
- Indian Peafowl
- Golden Pheasant
- Temminck's Tragopan
- Himalayan Monal
- Great Argus
- Red Junglefowl
- Helmeted Guineafowl
- Malleefowl
- Australian Brush-Turkey
- Rock Ptarmigan
- Scarlet Macaw
- Blue and Gold Macaw
- Hyacinth Macaw
- Palm Cockatoo
- Cockatiel
- African Grey Parrot
- Kākāpō
- Shoebill
- Hamerkop
- White Stork
- Black Stork
- Grey Crowned Crane
- Red-Crowned Crane
- Demoiselle Crane
- Kori Bustard
- Great Bustard
- Houbara Bustard
- Lesser Florican
- Kagu
- American Bittern
- Sunbittern
- Common Moorhen
- Red-Legged Seriema
- Scarlet Ibis
- Northern Bald Ibis
- Roseate Spoonbill
- Greater Flamingo
- Green Heron
- Black Heron
- Reddish Egret
- Great Egret
- Anhinga
- Magnificent Frigatebird
- Blue-Footed Booby
- Waved Albatross
- Wandering Albatross
- Black Skimmer
- Arctic Tern
- Inca Tern
- White Tern
- Eurasian Curlew
- Pied Avocet
- Eurasian Oystercatcher
- African Jacana
- Brown Pelican
- Great White Pelican
- Western Grebe
- Great Crested Grebe
- Common Loon
- Common Cuckoo
- Greater Roadrunner
- Hoatzin
- Resplendent Quetzal
- Tawny Frogmouth
- Common Nighthawk
- Namaqua Sandgrouse
- Victoria Ground Pigeon
- Luzon Bleeding-Heart
- Cave Swiftlet
- Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
- Bee Hummingbird
- Marvelous Spatuletail
- Long-Wattled Umbrellabird
- Amazonian Royal Flycatcher
- Clark's Nutcracker
- New Caledonian Crow
- Blue Jay
- Eurasian Jay
- Bohemian Waxwing
- American Robin
- Fieldfare
- Red-Winged Blackbird
- Common Starling
- Red-Billed Quelea
- Fork-Tailed Drongo
- Hood Mockingbird
- Bali Myna
- Eurasian Skylark
- Red-Billed Oxpecker
- Andean Cock-of-the-Rock
- Woodpecker Finch
- American Dipper
- Southern Masked Weaver
- Common Tailorbird
- Mistletoebird
- Paradise Whydah
- Superb Lyrebird
- Satin Bowerbird
- Jackson's Widowbird
- Greater Bird-of-Paradise
- Superb Bird-of-Paradise
- Blue Bird-of-Paradise
- Magnificent Riflebird
- Western Parotia
- Ribbon-Tailed Astrapia
- Red-Capped Manakin
- Long-Tailed Manakin
- Club-Winged Manakin
Incredible Reptiles and Amphibians[]
- Plumed Basilisk
- Green Iguana
- Frilled Lizard
- Common Collared Lizard
- Armadillo Lizard
- Draco Lizard
- Thorny Devil
- Web-Footed Gecko
- Tokay Gecko
- Leaf-Tailed Gecko
- New Caledonian Giant Gecko
- Green Anole
- Chuckwalla
- Five-Lined Skink
- Shingleback Skink
- Whiptail Lizard
- Regal Horned Lizard
- Central Bearded Dragon
- Chinese Water Dragon
- Northern Caiman Lizard
- Glass Lizard
- Sandfish
- Tuatara
- Jackson's Chameleon
- Veiled Chameleon
- Panther Chameleon
- Tiny Ground Chameleon
- Vine Snake
- Egg-Eating Snake
- Flying Snake
- Javan Wart Snake
- Garter Snake
- Galápagos Tortoise
- Desert Tortoise
- Leopard Tortoise
- Common Musk Turtle
- Pig-Nosed Turtle
- Snake-Necked Turtle
- Chinese Softshell Turtle
- Matamata
- Red-Eyed Tree Frog
- Foam-Nesting Tree Frog
- Long-Nosed Horned Frog
- Glass Frog
- Tomato Frog
- Wood Frog
- Darwin's Frog
- Wallace's Flying Frog
- African Bullfrog
- Surinam Toad
- Midwife Toad
- Pebble Toad
- Mexican Axolotl
- Olm
- Tiger Salamander
- Great Crested Newt
- Hellbender
- Common Mudpuppy
- Chinese Giant Salamander
Freaky Fish[]
- Wels Catfish
- Arapaima
- Peters' Elephantnose Fish
- Banded Archerfish
- Silver Arowana
- Spraying Characin
- African Lungfish
- Mudskipper
- Siamese Fighting Fish
- Three-Spined Stickleback
- European Bitterling
- Four-Eyed Fish
- Blind Cave Fish
- Glass Catfish
- Black Pacu
- Electric Eel
- Giant Freshwater Stingray
- Flying Fish
- Ocean Sunfish
- Sea Robin
- Sarcastic Fringehead
- Long-Spine Porcupinefish
- Clownfish
- Triggerfish
- Sockeye Salmon
- European Flounder
- Pineapplefish
- Parrotfish
- Watchman Goby
- Yellow-Headed Jawfish
- Cleaner Wrasse
- Humphead Wrasse
- Trumpetfish
- Pipefish
- Razorfish
- Remora
- Oarfish
- Blobfish
- Barreleye Fish
- Flashlight Fish
- Hatchetfish
- Tripodfish
- Red-Lipped Batfish
- Flying Gurnard
- European Sea Sturgeon
- Coelacanth
- Mahi-Mahi
- Opah
- Hagfish
- Snipe Eel
- Seahorse
- Leafy Sea Dragon
- Weedy Sea Dragon
Odd Invertebrates[]
- Coconut Crab
- Hermit Crab
- Fiddler Crab
- Ghost Crab
- Christmas Island Red Crab
- Decorator Crab
- Spiny King Crab
- Japanese Spider Crab
- Blue Land Crab
- Horseshoe Crab
- Caribbean Spiny Lobster
- Slipper Lobster
- Cleaner Shrimp
- Tasmanian Giant Crayfish
- Chambered Nautilus
- Giant Red Mysid
- Walking Stick Insect
- Malayan Leaf Katydid
- Leaf Insect
- Leaf-Cutter Ant
- Weaver Ant
- Honeypot Ant
- Monarch Butterfly
- Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
- Blue Morpho Butterfly
- Owl Butterfly
- Garden Tiger Moth
- Atlas Moth
- Luna Moth
- Regal Moth
- Saddleback Caterpillar
- Ladybug
- Aphid
- Damselfly
- Mayfly
- Dung Beetle
- Hercules Beetle
- Goliath Beetle
- Elephant Beetle
- Click Beetle
- Harlequin Beetle
- Fogstand Beetle
- Sawyer Beetle
- Jewel Bug
- Peanut-Head Bug
- Giant Wētā
- Giraffe Weevil
- Mole Cricket
- House Cricket
- Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
- Treehopper
- Froghopper
- Planthopper
- Caddisfly
- Stalk-Eyed Fly
- Cicada
- Toad Bug
- Firefly
- Backswimmer
- Whirligig Beetle
- New Zealand Glowworm
- Ant-Mimic Spider
- Horned Orb-Weaver
- Wheel Spider
- Woodlouse
- Silverfish
- African Giant Snail
- Violet Snail
- Great Grey Slug
- Banana Slug
- Opalescent Squid
- Common Octopus
- Mimic Octopus
- Blanket Octopus
- Dumbo Octopus
- Sea Cucumber
- Giant Isopod
- Atlantic Sea Nettle
- Moon Jellyfish
- Comb Jelly
- Giant Siphonophore
- Common Starfish
- Brittle Star
- Giant Clam
- Scallop
- Sea Angel
Monsters of the Mind[]
Greek Mythology[]
- Cyclops
- Gorgons
- Minotaur
- Centaur
- Chimaera
- Hydra
- Cerberus
- Pegasus
- Sphinx
- Ladon
- Phoenix
- Griffin
- Sirens
- Harpies
- Typhon
- Echidna
- Argus Panoptes
- Antmen
- Orthus
- Stymphalian Birds
- Nemean Lion
- Erymanthian Boar
- Calydonian Boar
- Karkinos
- Ichthyocentaur
- Satyr
- Grendel
- Nuckelavee
- Unicorn
- Sleipnir
- Qilin
- Perytons
- Manticore
- Wendigo
- Camazotz
- Ahuizotl
- Piasa
- Roc
- Ogre
- Sekhmet
- Anubis
- Banshee
- Cthulhu
- Fenrir
- Morgan Le Fay
- Spring-Heeled Jack
- Selkie
- Salamander
- Hippogriff
- Scorpion Man
- Golem
- Skeletal Warrior
- Catoblepas
- Cockatrice
- Ganesha
- Garuda
- Kappa
- Tengu
- Oni
- Yuki-Onna
- Nure‑Onna
- Rokurokubi
- Gashadokuro
- Itsumade
- Fenghuang
- Shiva
- Yale
- Troll
- Azhi Dahaka
- Mermaid
- Behemoth
- Ziz
- Satan
- European Dragon
- Wyvern
- Chinese Dragon
- Japanese Dragon
- Peluda
- Lambton Worm
- Tarasque
- Sea Dragon
- Beowulf's Dragon
- Gorynych
- Knucker
- Krak's Dragon
- Orochi
- Saint George's Dragon
- Apalala
- Fáfnir
- Futs-Lung
- Hatuibwari
- Jawzahr
- Ryūjin
- Shen-Lung
Halloween Ghouls[]
- Ghouls
- Vampires
- Zombies
- Werewolves
- Grim Reaper
- Wraiths
- Boogeyman
- Witches
- Baba Yaga
- Weretigers
- Gargoyles
- Frankenstein's Monster
- Bride of Frankenstein
- Mummy
- Succubus
- Baital
- Devils & Demons
- Headless Horseman
- Mr. Hyde
- Vrykolakas
Sea Monsters[]
Monsters of Today[]
- Abominable Snowman
- Bigfoot
- Skunk Ape
- Yowies
- Loch Ness Monster
- Ogopogo
- Morgawr
- Bunyip
- Mongolian Death Worm
- Chupacabra
- Gray Aliens
- Buru
- Nandi Bear
- Thetis Lake Monster
- Thunderbird
- Mothman
- Owlman
- Goatman
- Jersey Devil
- Dover Demon
- Mngwa
- Kting Voar
- Ahool
- Hopkinsville Goblin
- Mokele-Mbembe
- Kongamato
- Yara-ma-yha-who
- Reptoid Aliens
Literary Monsters[]
- Triffid
- Morlocks
- Orc
- Shelob
- Glaurung
- Hungarian Horntail
- Luckdragon
- Norwegian Ridgeback
- Smaug
- The Phantom of the Opera
- Quasimodo
- Jabberwock
- Flying Monkey
- Uruk-hai