Tarzan's Secret Treasure (1941)
Birds Do It, Bees Do It (1974)
Africa: The Serengeti (1994)
The Greatest Places (1998)
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998)
Babar King of the Elephants (2000)
Scavengers of the Savannah (2000)
Globehunters: An Around the World in 80 Days Adventure (2002)
The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos (2008)
Adventures in Zambezia (2012)
The Elephant Queen (2019)
Surviving Paradise: A Family Tale (2022)
Richard the Stork and the Mystery of the Great Jewel (2023)
Mufasa: The King (2024) (Concept Art only)
Amazing Animals (1996-1999)
Sherlock Yack: Zoo Detective (2011)
Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom Classics
Nature's Great Events (2009)
Africa From the Ground Up (1999)
Savage Kingdom (2016-2020)
Secret Life of Predators (2013)
Eden: An Untamed Planet (2021)
Africa's Stolen River (1988)
A Season in the Sun (1987)
Crocodiles: Here Be Dragons (1991)
Vanishing Pools of the Zambezi (1998)
Okavango: Africa's Wild Oasis (1996)
Wings Over the Serengeti (1994)
Wildlife on One (1977-2005)
The Feathered Swarm (1986)
The Beauty of Ugly (2007)
Beautiful Serengeti (2017)
Africa's Giant Killers (2014)
Africa's Fishing Leopards (2015)
Baboons: Too Close for Comfort (1996)
Strictly for the Birds (1989)
The Year of The Wildebeest (1975)
The Long-Legged Marching Eagle (1990)
Together They Stand (1986)
Last Kingdom of the Elephants (1978)
Mud! Mud! Glorious Mud! (1978)
Vultures: Beauty in the Beast (2014)
Hippos: Africa's River Giants (2019)
The Search for the World's Most Secret Animals (1989)
Our Great National Parks (2022)
Miracle at Tendaho (1983)
Botswana's Wild Kingdoms (2001)
Okavango: Jewel of the Kalahari (1988)
Man of the Serengeti (1972)
Barbapapa: Around The World (1999)
The Elephant and the Termite (2021)
Masai Mara: The Big Hunt (2021)
Gentle Jaws of the Serengeti (1997)
The Leopard Legacy (2021)
Africa's Lost Eden (2010)
Boteti: The Returning River (2012)
Jim Henson's The Animal Show (1994-1998)
The Cousteau Odyssey (1979)
Murder, Mayhem and Meerkats (2005)
Banded Brothers: The Mongoose Mob (2010)
Queen of the Chase (2016)
Surviving the Serengeti (2015)
Big Cat Diary (1996-2008)
Les Ailes De La Nature (2002)
Planet of The Birds (2018)
End of the Big Cats (2012)
Predator Bloodlines (2019)
Mysterious Planet (2019-2020)
Cheetah: Speed Trap (2020)
Incredible Animal Journeys (2023)
Mama Mirabelle's Home Movies (2007-2008)
The Jeff Corwin Experience (2000-2003)
Secrets of the Zoo: Tampa (2020-2022)
Octonauts: Above and Beyond (2021)