The gharial, also known as the gavial or the fish-eating crocodile, is a crocodilian in the family Gavialidae and among the longest of all living crocodilians. Mature females are 2.6–4.5 m long, and males 3–6 m.
Gallery [ ]
Films [ ]
My Father's Dragon (2022)
TV Shows & Documentaries [ ]
Wildlife on One (1977-2005)
Pity the Poor Crocodile (1981)
The Ganges Gharial (1985)
ZooLife with Jack Hanna (1993)
Jim Henson's The Animal Show (1994-1998)
The Ultimate Guide (1996-2002)
The New World of Gnomes (1997)
Disney's Magical World of Animals (1998)
Barbapapa: Around The World (1999)
The Jeff Corwin (2000-2003)
Nick Baker's Weird Creatures (2007-2009)
Life in Cold Blood (2008)
River Monsters (2009-2017)
Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness (2011-2016)
India's Lost Worlds (2016)
72 Dangerous Animals: Asia
Secrets of the Zoo: Tampa (2019-2022)
Video Games [ ]
Tabletop Games [ ]
Books [ ]
Toys [ ]
Stuffed Animals [ ]
Web Video [ ]